Jensen automatic video DVD Navigation bypass Hack Lockout VM9214 VM9414 VM9424 VM9324 Review
JENSEN AUTOMATIC ELECTRONIC VIDEO BYPASS SWITCHMade In Canada. -> LIFETIME REPLACEMENT WARRANTY <-This automatic switch is required to bypass the VIDEO LOCKOUT on Jensen video display units. It also allows for the programming of all navigation functions at any time. This switch Z7 is a popular name brand automatic bypass switch. It comes fully protected in a sealed plastic box, not black electrical tape and not a heat shrink sleeve. Our unit works every time the Jensen unit is turned on or resets, so once installed you should never have to touch it or see it again.COMPATIBLE MODELS;UV8 UV9UV10UV71UV8020VM8012VM8013VM8013HDVM8022VM8023VM8023HDVM9020VM9020TSVM9021VM9021TSVM9021TSXVM9022VM9212VM9212NVM9214VM9224VM9311VM9311TSVM9312VM9312HDVM9313VM9314VM9324VM9410VM9411VM9412VM9413VM9414Our unit is simple to install, generally requiring less than 15 minutes. It comes with multifunction LED to verify correct installation and operation. There is no programming required as its internal microprocessor is pre-programmed for all functions. Included with the instructions is information for installing an instant kill switch should you not want the unit to be active for any particular reason.THIS IS NOT A UNIVERSAL TRIGGER MODULE THAT YOU HAVE TO PROGRAM FOR YOUR Jensen UNIT. This is NOT a couple of manual switches put together that you could buy at the local hardware store, like other sellers are selling. It is NOT a cheap relay that you can buy at any auto parts store wrapped in electrical tape. This is also NOT a hack who voids your warranty, or you lose if you disconnect your battery. I am NOT afraid to picture my bypass like others are. It will NOT void your warranty as it does not modify the control box in any way.Disclaimer ; The Buyer agree that it is dangerous, illegal, and strictly prohibited by all states and countries to have video products or monitors installed in such a way that the driver may view them while driving on th
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